Vanity Plate
For those who read this via RSS, you’ve probably missed the new sidebar on the web site. I’m endeavoring to carry a camera with me almost wherever I go this year. You never known when a great opportunity for a snapshot or photograph will occur. I have decided to post one photograph per day in 2009, taken on that day when possible. These photos are hosted at home for now: http://365.esmx.net/365/
You can subscribe to them via RSS by pasting the following feed into your reader: http://365.esmx.net/365/rss.xml I build the posts and feed statically (and off-line) using two Perl scripts to reduce the processing requirements on my embedded server at home.
If you read these blog posts as Facebook notes, please consider subscribing via RSS since Facebook only lets me syndicate one personal RSS feed. I plan to switch the feed from the blog to the photos soon, maybe tomorrow.