More on electronic music

September 6th, 2007 by k8gu Leave a reply »

I was pondering my roots in electronic music last night after posting the Vocal Trance note.  At first, I was tempted to say that the first electronic composition that mesmerized me was Enigma’s Sadeness, which I discovered quite by accident in 2001.  But, upon further thought, I was mistaken.  It was the Ray Lynch album Deep Breakfast.  I have no idea where the tape came from, probably something that Mom or Dad heard on WKSU (the local NPR affiliate).  I listened to the tape frequently as a kid (sometime around 1989, I’d guess), both in the car and the stereo at home; but, promptly lost interest.  (Aside: I refused interest in all music for a period of a few years before discovering an interest in classic rock.)

I hadn’t thought of Ray Lynch in years.  I couldn’t even remember his last name, although I do recall the genre classification from the cassette as “New Age.”  I punched “Ray New Age” into iTunes and he popped right up.   After listening to the first few bars of the preview clip for Celestial Soda Pop, I was able to hum the entire song to myself.  The most remarkable things, though, were the dozen or so reviews repeating a story just like mine.  They’d listened to Ray Lynch as a kid after their parents discovered his music in a gift shop or record store.  According to his web site, Ray Lynch has never toured or performed on TV.  Yet, he’s an extremely successful musician.  The music sells itself.  That’s a thought to consider all by itself…
