QSLing and other unfinished business

January 21st, 2010 by k8gu Leave a reply »

I’m making an effort to get unfinished projects finished around the hamshack and that means more QSLing and less blogging—this stuff makes for riveting reading, I know.  Seriously, I really do enjoy exchanging the paper cards, even if the volume gets to me sometimes (and I shouldn’t complain—I’m not that active!).  I’m actually nearly caught-up on direct QSLs, except the two difficult ones that USPS wouldn’t accept.  And…drum roll, please…I’ve started whittling away at the BURO pile for the first time in four years.

As I was going through a stack of PJ2/K8GU requests tonight, I thought it would be interesting to plot the differences between the time I logged and the time the other station logged.  For quick DX and contest contacts, this time should be the same.  Some of them were really off, though!  Sounds like another unfinished project to me…

More notes later on other projects…
