For the third time in a month, I’ve seen a thread pop up on a ham radio mailing list or forum asking, “Why does X cost so much?” Morse code keys, amplifiers, and gin poles, were the subjects of “excess” expense. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a Begali or a Bugatti, a Henry or a Haliburton contract, a Rohn or a recession, some things are expensive, and many with good reason. Why is there a problem in the U.S. economy? We spent the money we once saved. Then we borrowed money we did not have from someone who was saving. Then we borrowed more money than we could ever pay back, sticking the lenders (arguably, the savers) with our debt and a fake smile. We bought things we could not afford. We did not (and do not) understand how much things cost. We became accustomed to spending too much for things we did not need. I suspect that the economic downturn is good for America in this regard…